Eat the Rainbow Bowl | Healthy Chelsea
nutritionist Chelsea

Hi, I’m Chelsea!

Most people struggle with eating healthy consistently. I have a process that helps people optimize their nutrition so they can reach their fullest potential.

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Eat the Rainbow Bowl

Eat the Rainbow Bowl

Isn’t there a tag line that goes something like taste the rainbow?  Well I say, don’t just taste the rainbow, but eat the rainbow!  This bowl could not be more colorful or more nutritious, so grab a big fork and dig in :)  Serves 4

What (your ingredients):

2 sweet potatoes, cut into small strips or wedges about ½ inch thick

1.5 lbs. Brussel sprouts, trimmed and cut in half

2 tablespoons avocado oil

½ teaspoon salt

4 tablespoons pomegranate arils

How (your directions):

Preheat oven to 400 °F.  On one baking sheet, toss sweet potato strips with 1 tablespoon avocado oil and ¼ teaspoon salt. Bake for 40 minutes.

Halfway through the baking time, toss Brussel sprouts and remaining oil and salt on a second baking sheet and bake for the remaining 20 minutes next to the sweet potatoes.

When vegetables are golden brown, remove from oven and toss together in a bowl with pomegranate arils.

Enjoy the rainbow!

Why (the science):  The more colorful your meal, the more phytochemicals there are to give you an antioxidant boost! 


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