The Pivotal Moment that Transformed My Life & Career Path | Healthy Chelsea
nutritionist Chelsea

Hi, I’m Chelsea!

Most people struggle with eating healthy consistently. I have a process that helps people optimize their nutrition so they can reach their fullest potential.

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21 Simple, Quick, & Easy Meals

The Pivotal Moment that Transformed My Life & Career Path

The Pivotal Moment that Transformed My Life & Career Path

I wanted to be a physician since the time I was a young child.

In fact, I remember at the little age of five telling my parents I wanted to be a heart surgeon.

Big five-year-old-dreams, right there 😉

Fast forward 15 years.

It was 8:15 AM when I walked into the hospital to see my mom, who had just had a heart attack.

You see, heart disease runs strong on both sides of my family.

And when I walked into my mom's room that morning, the young diet clerk was serving breakfast.

To my mom, she served a pile of eggs covered in a mound of melted cheese.

And to the patient on the other side of the room, she served a cheeseburger.

My head reeled.

There I was, a premed sophomore in college, furiously studying to become that heart surgeon…

…and here was my mom, a patient in one of the nation's greatest teaching hospitals, being served a meal that in no way promoted her heart health.

That day, I experienced firsthand a gap in modern medicine.

I passionately wanted to help people live healthy lives.

But I seriously questioned the path I was on to do so.

This pivotal moment in my life transformed my career path.

I realized I wanted to help prevent health problems outside the hospital, rather than try to treat people inside the hospital.

But the serious questioning of my current premed path didn’t stop that day.

In fact, I painstakingly questioned becoming a doctor throughout the rest of college.

I stayed premed and thrived in my classes.

But I never told my classmates, mentors, or professors that I was doubting my future.

Except once.

I told a premed classmate that I loved nutrition so much (I was constantly soaking up all things nutrition and food and health on the side), that maybe I should be a dietitian…

She quickly thwarted my idea as silly and stupid.

So, I didn’t tell anyone else about my “other” career dreams.

When my classmates went to medical school after graduation, I took a gap year to decide what I wanted to do.

And I listened deeply and intentionally to the voice inside me.

The voice that would tell me to follow my passions instead of following paths of “prestige.”

I set out to help bridge the gap between modern medicine and daily lifestyle habits.

It became my personal mission to help people live their healthiest, fullest lives.

To help people thrive.

To help people feel vibrant and alive.

To help people feel their best so that they can live the lives they want to live.

And what I realized along the way was the fact that our daily habits add up.

As Aristotle said (and I have to agree with him 😉): “You are what you repeatedly do.”

It became clear to me that my personal mission depended on helping people simplify healthy eating.

It depended on me showing how healthy eating can be easy.

It depended on me to clear away the doubts, overwhelm, and confusion that comes from conflicting diet trends, fads, and marketers who want to make a quick buck.

Healthy eating should be simple and easy, no matter how busy and hectic your life feels.

And the more I coached my clients and students, the more I realized that the “big problems” in life often require very small changes. (A lesson confirmed in the book, Switch).

Small changes lead to extraordinary results. (A lesson learned from Atomic Habits).

And extraordinary results allow you to thrive.

What are those small changes that lead to extraordinary results?

One of the simplest strategies to live a healthy, full, vibrant life is to make more meals and snacks at home.

And I know what you’re thinking right now…

“Chelsea, I don’t have the time!”

I understand you.

You’re busy.

And after working with literally hundreds of busy people, I understand your frustrations.

You feel like you don’t have time to do what you need and want to do.

Especially cooking, planning, and prepping at home.

But my mission is to help busy people, like you, live a healthy lifestyle.

Which is why I created The Busy Person’s Ultimate Guide to Quick and Easy Meals & Snacks.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to make 21 simple, quick, easy, balanced, energizing meals and snacks.

In under 15 minutes…

Using only 10 kitchen staples!

When you cook at home, you’re able to eat food that nourishes your body, mind, and spirit.

And to consistently eat balanced meals and snacks that give you energy and help you feel amazing…

Well, the strategies MUST be simple, quick, and easy.

The Busy Person’s Ultimate Guide to Quick and Easy Meals & Snacks is a free guide.

I made the guide FREE so that you can get going right NOW to eating, living, and feeling your best (as a busy person with no time).

You can download it here>>

Fast forward another 11 years.

My mom is healthy, happy, and giving her absolute ALL to her family and friends 😊

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