Not Seeing the Results You Want? This is Why and How to Fix It

Imagine you are in a freezing cold room.  Actually, you’re in a room that’s even colder:  it’s 23°F.

You place an ice cube on the counter.  You raise the temperature of the room 1°F.

The ice cube doesn’t melt.  You raise the temp another 1°F.

The ice cube is still not melting.  So, you raise the temp another 1°F.

After several minutes of raising the temperature of the room, one degree at a time, you reach 32°F.

The ice cube is still not melting!   So, you raise the temp again by 1°F.

And then, BOOM! The ice cube begins to melt!

So often, we set a goal for ourselves (to lose weight, to exercise 3X/week, to read every day, to journal every morning), and then give up. Way. Too. Soon.

We all start our goals at 23°F.

We put in a few days or weeks or months of work, and then give up when we don’t see grand results or big improvements. 

We make it to 32°F and stop. 

“It’s not working!  I can’t lose weight! I don’t have time, I’m too tired, I’m not seeing results…”

But for those that keep putting in the work, day in, day out, drip by drip, one small step in front of the other, without seeing results, you eventually make it to 33°F.

And the ice cube begins to melt.

You see the results.  You feel the results.  Others see it too.  And they call you an overnight success.

But were you an overnight success?  Definitely not. 

You put in the hard, unglamourous work, 1° at a time, day after day.  You didn’t see the results, but you kept going anyway, because you knew that the greatest results are delayed. 

I adore this quote by James Clear, author of Atomic Habits (one of my favorite books of all time):

Complaining about not achieving success despite working hard is like complaining about an ice cube not melting when you heated it from twenty-five to thirty-one degrees.  Your work was not wasted; it is just being stored.  All the action happens at thirty-two degrees.

Your action step: Reply to this email with your goal and tell me what degree you're at.  How do you feel about your goal and progress right now? 

Work with Me

 You’re motivated to live a healthy, full life.  I’m here to help.

Are you a hardworking professional or active person who wants to feel healthier?

Do you have trouble with knowing how and what to eat to feel your best? 

Do you struggle with making time for yourself to be healthy?

Could you use expert nutrition guidance and an accountability partner?

I help people motivated to live a healthy lifestyle, but who don’t want to spend tons of time, effort, and overwhelm making that happen. 

My clients are super inspired to feel their best but haven’t been able to find a way of eating that works best for their schedule and how they want to feel.

If you’re ready to eat in a way that works for you, learn quick meals and snacks that actually keep you satisfied and feeling great, or even small tweaks you can make right now without overhauling your eating habits, I can help you get there. 

Click to learn about my Optimal Healthy Eating Package here!  It may be just what you’ve been looking for 😊 

How I'm Staying Healthy this Holiday & FREE Healthy Holiday Guide

The holiday season can be stressful and hectic, filled with temptations to overindulge.  Overdoing it during the holidays leaves us feeling sluggish, bloated, and tired.

And when we try to avoid holiday weight gain, we often end up bingeing and feeling guilty.

Sound familiar?

I made it my mission for myself to feel healthy, happy, strong, and fit this holiday season.

So to help myself (and YOU), I created the Healthy Holiday Guide.

It’s the the ultimate self-care workbook to take you from overindulgence and guilt to energy, balance, joy, and improved well-being.

It’s loaded with tips, recipes, and prompts to get yourself thinking, planning, and acting on your health goals for this season.

You can grab it here >> Healthy Holiday Guide

And as we approach the shortest day of the year next week, I wanted to share with you a 5 BONUS tips for motivating all of us to live a healthy and active life this winter:

1.  Buy a Class Pack

Last winter, I kept myself motivated to workout in the cold, dark mornings by buying a spin class pack.  This year, I bought a hot yoga class pack! 

Trust me, you’ll be motivated to workout if you’ve put money behind it 😊

Want To Feel Healthier? This One Habit Could Change Everything

Want To Feel Healthier? This One Habit Could Change Everything

Happy Friday!

In less than 3 weeks, it will be January 2019!  Each year, most of us wake up on January 1 with some pretty hefty resolutions:

I’m going to eat healthy every single meal! And I’m going to workout for an hour every single day!

Then sometime mid January, we totally fall off the bandwagon. 

And when we stop eating healthy every single meal, and we miss a few workouts, we give up.  And feel guilty.  And sometimes feel like a failure.

But what if there was one small habit that could make other good habits fall into place?

Small wins lay the foundation for other, bigger wins. 

One healthy habit can lead to a better mood, more productivity, less stress, a healthier weight, better sleep, fewer junk food cravings, and more focus and clarity.

These habits that lead to other good habits and positive side effects are called “keystone habits.” 

A keystone habit is the first domino that makes all the other dominoes fall into place.  Here are a few examples:

  • Exercising for 20-30 minutes regularly

  • Practicing daily gratitude

  • Journaling daily

  • Reading for 30 minutes

  • Making the bed each day

  • Making a healthy breakfast

Let’s lay the groundwork for developing a single healthy habit NOW so that when 2019 arrives, we hit the ground running, feeling our best, with other healthy habits falling into place!

To learn my 3 tips for a healthy holiday season, and what my keystone habit is for the next 3 weeks, watch this video>>

And to track your keystone habit, download the free app, HabitBull.  It will be the key to making your keystone habit stick!

Action Step: What’s your keystone habit for the next 3 weeks?  Comment below and let's hold each other accountable with our keystone habits! 

I'll be posting daily on Instagram stories if I did my keystone habit, so come join me over there>>

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
— Aristotle

Meal Plan Like a Boss & FREE Meal Planner and Grocery List | +Video |

I used to hate meal planning- I thought “I’ll just stock a bunch of healthy stuff in the fridge and make healthy meals throughout the week…easy!”

But to be honest, I would come home from work ravenous, and dive headfirst into junk food or order something in that wasn’t so healthy.

So much for “healthy stuff” on hand! 

But I really wanted to eat healthy and make delicious meals at home.

And I wanted to do that without a lot of thinking.

To make meal planning for the week actually work for me, I needed to create a 5-step process that would guarantee success.  This process is a total game changer, so I wanted to share it with you!

I’ve created a video to walk you through the 5-step process to meal planning, along with a printable and fillable guide for you 😊 

It includes the 5 Steps to Planning Your Week of Eats PLUS a Meal Planner and Grocery List, which you can use each week.

Grab your free download to Meal Plan Like a Boss here>> 

Then follow along with the video: